SA-M 2.3.1 Floating Mixer for Ableton Live (8, 16, 24, 32 or 48 tracks)

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Welcome to the SA-M 2.3 Floating Mixer Series for Ableton Live

IMPORTANT NOTE: The SA-M Series requires Max For Live 7.0 +

Faster and more responsive than ever!!!!

Snapshots, Presets and MIDI Mapping

What's New in 2.3?

  • Track Data Flow
    Track data flow engine has been completely rebuilt for faster and smoother response.
  • MIDI Mapping
    MIDI mapping and external control have been rolled into a faster more efficient system that works more reliably.
  • MIDI Mode: StudioLive
    The StudioLive function in previous versions has been removed with faster and smoother MIDI mapping functionality.
  • Auto Load Button
    Auto load button action has been revised for faster load time.
  • Presets
    Presets load faster and can be more easily controlled from an external controller. Saved presets will be loaded when a project is reopened in Ableton.
  • Solo Reset and Arm Reset Buttons
    Solo Reset and Arm Reset Buttons can be MIDI mapped.
  • Information Window
    Now includes update information.
  • Track Pan
    Displays pan L-C-R numbers.
  • Group Track Display
    Group tracks are now clearly indicated.

Introducing the SA-M Series

The SA-M is a customizable floating mixer Max4Live plugin for Ableton Live. The SA-M gives you a fully functional floating mixer, enabling you to have the mixer functions available in the arrange window, or open on another screen.

The SA-M comes in 8, 16, 24, 32 or 48 track versions. They all have 4 Return Tracks.
Each track has 4 Aux Sends.

The SA-M is always there, always available, no matter where you go in the session or arrange views.

Bonus: The versions with more tracks also come with all the smaller mixers.

SA-M Features

Below is a full list of SA-M features. Note that features will vary depend on the model.


Tracks: 8, 16, 24, 32 or 48
Aux Sends: 2 (Lite) or 4 (Pro)
Return Tracks: None (Lite), 4 (Pro)
Window Scaling: 50 - 100%
Linear / Stacking modes: Switch mixer between a linear or stacked layout for monitor space saving (32 and 48 tracks versions).
Floating Mode: Float or unfloat the plugin window for virtual desktop use.


Transport Controls: Play, Stop, Record, Automation tracking.
Project Information: Clock / Tempo /Bars & Beats
Auto Track Select: Fill the mixer automatically with tracks from your project.
Custom Track Select
: Select the tracks you want in the mixer.
Track Color Switch: Project colors or silver
Track Selection Reset: Clears all channels in the mixer removed selected tracks.

Global Controls

Fader Zero Reset: Sets all track faders to zero dB.
Fader - ∞ dB Reset: Sets all track faders to - infinity.
Meter On/Off: Switches all the tracks meters on or off.

MIDI Mapping

Control the mixer from your external MIDI Controller.

Snapshots & Presets

Speed up your workflow with mixer snapshots and presets.

Track Details

Track Name Selection: Select the track using a drop-down track name list.
Track Number Selection: Select the track using the project track number.
Meters: Displays the VU and Peak track levels.
Meter On/Off {Freeze}: Switch on and off (freeze) track meters.
Pan: Pan track audio left and right
Volume Fader: Control the volume level of the track.
Fader Zero Reset: Reset the volume fader to 0dB.
Track Activator: Switch the track on and off.
Solo: Solo the track.
Global Solo Reset: Un-solo all tracks that are soloed.
Record Arm: Arm the track.
Global Record Arm Reset: Un-arm all tracks that are armed.
Ableton Current Track Selector: Select the track in Abelton and jump to it in the session view.
Automation Indicators: Show tracks that automation in them, and tracks with automation over-ride.
Automation Reset Buttons: Resets all tracks back to automation from automation over-ride.

SA-M Features Per Version

Software Requirements

  • Ableton Live 9.0 +
  • Max For Live 7.0 +

Hardware Requirements

These plugins were all built on a 2012 Mac.They should work quiet happily on any hardware newer than that. :)

I want this!

SA-M8 Floating Mixer for Ableton Live

Floating window
Custom and auto track selection
Zoom / scale window
Easy Ableton select track feature
MIDI Mapping te an external MIDI controller
Snapshots & Presets
Relative faders for touch screen control
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SA-M 2.3.1 Floating Mixer for Ableton Live (8, 16, 24, 32 or 48 tracks)

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I want this!